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Advance Housing leads the way in new CBD Development
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Advance Housing Ltd (AHL); the biggest not for profit community housing provider in the Great Southern, are responding to rising community need for increased affordable housing.
Well-known in Albany for bringing affordable student housing to the region, AHL built its first student housing facility on Stirling Terrace opposite UWA in 2018 with the second facility built on the former Albany Primary school site on Serpentine Road in 2021. These affordable student housing offerings have rapidly been recognised as the best student accommodation available anywhere in WA. As a part of the Serpentine Road project AHL ensured that it restored and preserved the Albany Primary School buildings, where AHL now has its offices, so that new generations of students will get to experience the site.
AHL also manage over 370 community housing dwellings across the region and has built over 80 affordable homes in the last 12 years.
AHL Board Chair, Peter Adams said, “The development of new housing solutions for Albany’s rapidly expanding population are essential if the needs of the region are to be met. Growth is expected to reach 20% in the next decade, and this means the demand for more affordable housing will be unrelenting”.
“There are almost 600 disadvantaged families in the region in need of a home right now, and over 450 are here in Albany. This represents growth in demand of 42% in just two years. Our challenge increases by the day, and we are determined to meet it in every way open to us.”
With a newly acquired development site at the corner of Spencer and Frederick streets and their adjoining Norman House lot, CEO of AHL John Lysaught says his company intends to build a range of energy efficient homes, designed by well-known Albany heritage architect Julie De Jong.
“We are very aware that cost-of-living increases, particularly power, are causing problems for many of our tenants,” said John Lysaught. “These new homes will set a new standard in energy efficiency, warm in winter and cool in summer.”
“We have recognised the heritage value of Spencer Street and Stirling Terrace and our designs for this development will add value and depth to a precinct which is already an important part of the history and heritage of Albany.
“This development will be a mixture of affordable homes for our tenants and private homes for sale to the public. Albany desperately needs more homes; this is just one of our exciting new projects which will help address the chronic housing shortage and reduce our ever-growing wait list.”
This week John Lysaught and Julie De Jong met with City of Albany Councillors to explain the significant contribution this development will make to the CBD of Albany.
AHL will keep its community advised of the new projects through its website and social media presence.
More information is available here: AHL Spencer Street Press Release 18.11.2022
Please enjoy the concept 3D fly through of the planned precinct here: Spencer Street New Precinct Fly Through
Posted in New Projects, Updates