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Albany community agencies come together to connect with people experiencing homelessness.
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The second Albany Homelessness Connections Event was held on 6th December 2023.
Local community services organisations including Advance Housing, AYSA, Palmerston, Anglicare WA, Pivot, Albany Community Legal Services, Albany Afterhours GP Collaborative Inc, and Headspace came together to capture information on the true impact of homelessness on the Albany community, and connect affected people with services, support, a hot meal, and more. The event was heavily supported by Albany Community Foundation, The Department of Communities, Great Southern Aboriginal Health Service, and the City of Albany.
The event, hosted at AHL’s student housing seminar room, identified 98 participants representing 165 people experiencing homelessness (including dependents) in a 14-hour window. The data captured will allow services to better focus their limited resources on the area of greatest need and advocate for more resources for our community’s most vulnerable.
A summary of the data we collected has now been collated and is available here: Albany Connection Event WHAT WE LEARNED December 6th 2023
Posted in UpdatesTagged Connection, Crisis, Event, Homelessness