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Rapid progress for AHL’s McKail Social Housing Project
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Excellent progress is being made with AHL’s McKail Social Housing Project.
Despite recent poor weather AHL’s project builder; Wauters, are on target for the top floor external walls to be complete this week on both lots. This will allow roof structures to start being added from next week with the planned delivery of roof trusses.
This progress has been achieved through the use of modern methods of construction on this new project to improve quality, speed, and energy efficiency; all things that are important to AHL and our tenants.
Modern methods of construction, or MMC, refers to innovative ways of building structures ‘offsite” or away from the construction site to avoid weather impacts and standardise designs to reduce costs and minimise waste.
The 12 new units designed by local architect H+H Architects are safe, practical, and energy-efficient, and prioritise high quality outdoor space and solar orientation, storage, privacy and comfort. The units have achieved 7 Stars under NatHERS, which will reduce energy costs by upwards of 30% to 50%. They have also achieved Gold Liveable standards. The units are inspired by traditional ‘maisonette’ housing formats that were popular back in the 1930s-1960s, but have been updated to ensure that they are contemporary, fresh, and functional, and reshape the stereotype of traditional social housing.
This project has been made possible by the Department of Communities through the Community Housing Grants Program.
Check out the activity underway today below:
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